Yayasan Anak-Anak Yatim / Piatu Islamic Port Dickson District in 1984 to year
2015 reach 31 year it has been established. Orphans total that is registered
with Yayasan until year 2015 (count to January) is 310 people, rise and orphans
celebration declineis circumstantial. Most between those who register more than
father death and consequently for second death their parent. Due to this help
accepted channelledmore to parent second death, selected orphans under Yayasan
(Anak Didik Yayasan - ADY) and to children that father death. Orphans division
under Yayasan divided into two:
- Hostel Orphan (expenses fully from Yayasan)
- Orphan in Outside Hostel , that living together mother / father / keeper and others (expenses to annual and others)
everyone's information, orphans that are registered is orphans that stay in
Port Dickson District only.